Dec 30, 2019 | David Fielding | 1245 views
Congratulations and Thanks!
Thank you to all participants and volunteers for another successful tournament!
Congratulations to all our Champions!
Minor Atom MD-West London HawksMinor
Atom A-New Hamburg Huskies
Atom MD-Kitchener Jr. Rangers Red
Minor Peewee MD-London Bandits
Minor Peewee A-Brantford 99ers
Peewee MD-Cambridge Hawks
Peewee A-Woolwich Wildcats
Minor Bantam MD-Barrie Colts
Minor Bantam A/AA-St. Thomas Stars
Bantam MD-Kitchener Jr. Rangers
Minor Midget MD-Barrie Colts
Minor Midget A/AA-Brantford 99ers