May 12, 2023 | Kevin Murray | 456 views
Second U13 BB team
Hello Parents,
I am pleased to announce that BMHA has decided to add a second team at the U13
BB level for this upcoming season. I have had the opportunity to be at
everyone of the current tryouts and this group is a very talented group of
young players. BMHA feels that this group of players would benefit having
a second team for development purposes as they will get more out of playing BB
then having to play house league and select. This will give the players
more ice time, better on ice instruction and playing against stronger teams for
development moving forward.
With that being said, you don’t have the option
to play for what team you chose. If current coach Andrew Evans selects
your child to play for his team, you don’t have the option to play for the
second team. Only players that have been released will have the
opportunity to tryout for the second BB team. Tryouts will be a
continuation of current tryouts and there will be no fee to tryout.
Andrew Evans will have his team selected after his exhibition game
Saturday afternoon and the second BB team will have a tryout Sunday May 14th
from 3:00 to 5:00 pm at Gretzky Centre. This tryout will have a flood
after the first hour then back on the ice for the second hour. If you
could please email me your interest in trying out to ensure we have enough
players interested in playing for the second BB team at [email protected] or any
questions you may have. This is a great opportunity for these players and
I hope you take full advantage of it. The second team will be competing
against the first team throughout the year up until the split of B and BB,
depending on the standings at that point.
Thank you,
Corey Waring
Director of A/AA, BB, MD