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53rd Annual
Wayne Gretzky International
Hockey Tournament
December 27-30, 2024
Sanction #25-017
1. How can I register?
2. What days will my team play?
Note: Dec 27 is a Friday, Dec 30 is Monday.
U8 Division December 27-28th
U9 Tier 2 December 29-30th
U9 Tier 1 December 29-30th
'BB/B' December 27-29th
'AA/A' December 28-30th
(This is may change depending on division registration numbers)
3. What is the Sanction Number?
4. How can I pay?
We accept Cheque, e-Transfer or Credit Card.
- Cheques payable to “Brantford Minor Hockey Association” and mail to:
P.O. Box 28034, North Park Plaza P.O.
Brantford, ON
N3R 7X5
- e-Transfer can be sent to [email protected], be sure to include the Division and Team name in the comments.
- Credit Card Payment (if you entered Cheque when you initially registered)
Use the following form: https://secure.brantfordminorhockey.com/Forms/8267/)
or Call the BMHA Office 519-759-8552
5. What is the refund policy?
See General Information
6. How do I submit my travel permit and approved rosters?
Please submit a copy of your Travel Permit and Roster to [email protected]
Bring the original copies to the Wayne Gretzky Sports Centre on your first day for verification. You will also receive gifts for your players when you sign in.