20th Annual Walter Gretzky
Recreational House League Tournament
Tournament is now full
January 5-7th,2018
Sanction #18-016
Registration opened Monday, August 28th
The Brantford Minor Hockey Association is devoting an entire weekend to Novice to Midget recreational house league teams with the world's most famous hockey dad"WALTER GRETZKY".
• Novice (7 and 8 year olds) Full waiting list.
• Atom (9 and 10 year olds) Full waiting list
• Peewee (11 and 12 year olds) Full waiting list
• Bantam (13 and 14 year olds) Full wiating list
• Midget (15-17 year olds) Full waiting list
Teams can register before their roster has been selected.
- All divisions are major/minor combined. (But if we have 16 or more teams register for a division we will divide the division into an A & B this is at the discretion of the tournament organizers)
- Round-robin games in Novice, Atom, and Peewee are one hour long with 1-1/4 hour semi-finals and championships
- Round-robin games in Bantam and Midget are 1-1/4 hours long with 1-1/2 hour semi-finals and championships.
- No body checking allowed in any division
- Player gifts for all teams
- "MVP" awards for every game
- Individual awards for champions and finalists
- Souvenirs and prize draws
- Registration Information:
- Registration Fee: $950.00
- Teams will not be confirmed for entry until registration fee is received.
- Registration Deadline: November 1, 2017. A $50.00 administration fee will apply to all refunds. No refunds after December 1st.
- All teams require an approved travel permit and Approved roster from their Branch (i.e. OMHA, GHTL, NOHA, HEO or Alliance)
- Our goal is to provide teams with equal competition and every effort will be made to ensure teams are not comprised of top players from any given age group.
- Please note: Only two teams from the same Association will be allowed per division unless registration is low.
- Teams playing at the top level of a tiered house league program (i.e.: 'red') will not be accepted. Teams may be asked to provide written proof from their Association.
- For more information email [email protected] or call (519) 759-8552