Registration, Wayne Gretzky International Hockey Tournament, 2017- 2018 (Brantford Minor Hockey Association)

This Tournament is part of the 2017- 2018 season, which is not set as the current season.

48th Annual
Wayne Gretzky International
Hockey Tournament


December 27-30, 2017

Tournament Sanction #18-015

Registration is CLOSED

See you next year, Registration opens in May and is usually Full by mid August.

Cost is $1250
Four Games guaranteed - NO gate fees

Hotel Information

Contact: HTG Sports Services

Payment Information
If making payment by cheque: 
1. Please include Division, Team and contact information in envelope.
2. Make cheques payable to Brantford Minor Hockey Association
3. Mail to (delivery can take a couple of weeks)

P.O.Box 28034, North Park Plaza P.O.
Brantford, ON
N3R 7X5

Brantford and Finland teams.