Jerseys/Parent Meeting, News, Minor Atom, 2019-2020, AAA (Brantford Minor Hockey Association)


This Team is part of the 2019-2020 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Apr 28, 2019 | Jim Baxter Jr | 1059 views
Jerseys/Parent Meeting
Can all players please ensure that they bring their own jersey for practice tomorrow night as we have to give the BMHA Tryout jerseys back.

Also, on Wednesday, May 1st at 6pm there will be a mandatory Parent/Budget meeting for parents of players who make the final roster. At least one parent from each family must attend. The meeting will be in the upstairs area of the Lookout Lounge (Wayne Gretzky Sports Centre).
Players are encouraged to come to the rink as well to spend some time with their new teammates.

Jim Baxter

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