Diabetes Awareness Day team Photo-Thank you for your support, News, Minor PeeWee, 2015-2016, AAA (Brantford Minor Hockey Association)


This Team is part of the 2015-2016 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Nov 13, 2015 | lbibby | 1003 views
Diabetes Awareness Day team Photo-Thank you for your support
BRANTFORD 99ers MINOR PEEWEE AAA   # T1DLOOKSLIKEME Wear Blue for Diabetes Awareness Day

I am a HOCKEY PLAYER, who happens to have DIABETES.

                      But I will not let it effect the way

                                     I Play the GAME"

   #11  Blake Kersey diagnosed at age 4 


                                  Saturday November 14 is national Diabetes awareness day


                                        research and increased knowledge is the key

3,000,000 Canadians have some form of Diabetes      300,000 live with Type 1 diabetes.

Signs & Symptoms of Diabetes


·      Very Thirsty 

·      Frequently going to the bathroom 

·      Unusual bed wetting 

·      Lack of energy 

·      Weight Loss 

·      Headaches & stomach aches 

·      Changes in Vision  


         Blake has Type 1 Diabetes: a non-preventable autoimmune disease in which the pancreas fails to produce insulin, a hormone that turns sugar into energy.Food is just a small factor in blood sugar numbers it is also effected by  hormones, stress, adrenaline, weather change and sickness. 

         For an Athlete finding the right amount of insulin needed to maintain a blood sugar level that allows him to preform at a high intensity is a very fine balance and hard work. Blake wears an insulin pump 24/7 paired with a CGM(constant Glucose monitor) which gives him blood sugar numbers in real time. He also has a kit on the bench with juice and sugar tablets that he will use almost always after each game and sometimes during practice. 

Generally Blake knows and feels his lows and no one but him would ever know.  

Signs and symptoms he needs sugar are : Shaking, Sweating, very pale, weak, confusion and inability to concentrate.

If the boys notice he is not acting like himself please have them encourage Blake to check his sugars have a juice and stay with him until he is back to normal.

          As a family we believe in the power of research not only for a cure but for all the advancements in technology to ensure that he can live a long healthy life without any of the complications of diabetes.  


 Thank-you to boys for taking a Picture and showing their support -" What a great group of boys"

 it really means a lot to Blake!


 JDRF lets find a cure!!    

 NO kid deserves a LIFE sentence with NEEDLES and PIN PRICKS!



Thanks for taking the time to help us support Blake- The Kersey Family

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