Fundamental change in the way we introduce players 10 years old-and-under to hockey., News, Timbits, 2014 - 2015 (Brantford Minor Hockey Association)


This League is part of the 2014 - 2015 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Aug 21, 2014 | Kevin Murray | 1311 views
Fundamental change in the way we introduce players 10 years old-and-under to hockey.
•   “Changing speed, transitioning from backward to forward, making tight turns, these were all things I learned on the bay. When you’re playing 10 on 10, you just naturally learn how to pivot and change pace to find that one spot of open ice” (Bobby Orr, Orr My Story, 2013)

•   “The cross-ice program helps young players improve their puck handling and playmaking skills because there are more opportunities to touch the puck, and encourages them to make quicker decisions because they're playing in a smaller space. ..They spend more time with the puck on their stick rather than chasing it...” (USA Hockey's Youth Council)

•   “ I think 3 to 1 practice to games is the way to go. In practice, that’s where you become a better hockey player. You get to have the puck on your stick more, and take more shots on net than in any game. Even as a professional you don’t have the puck on your stick that much, and at a young age it’s crucial to develop your skills, you can’t do that in an organized game.” (Paul Kariya – Canadian Men’s Olympic Team)

•   Kids need to learn to handle the puck in a confined area … Half ice or cross-ice games allow for more kids to participate, rather than sitting on the bench (Corey McNabb, Player Development - Hockey Canada )McNabb, Player Development - Hockey Canada )