Spring 3-on-3 Registration is Now Open, News (Brantford Minor Hockey Association)


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Feb 13, 2025 | Rob Symons | 1199 views
Spring 3-on-3 Registration is Now Open
Brantford Minor Hockey is pleased to offer our Spring 3-on-3 hockey league in 2025.

This year, 3-on-3 will be a 10-game season with extended game lengths, from the previous 2 x 16-minute periods to a new longer 2 x 22.5-minute periods, with 90 second shifts. The season will begin later this year due to ice availability.

Spring 3-on-3 hockey runs from May 12 to June 22. Most of the games are played on weekends - Saturdays or Sundays. On several weekends, there will be games on both Saturday and Sunday. There will be one weekday game the week of May 12 to kick off the season.

This is a COED program. All levels of players are accepted from House League to AAA. Friend requests will be accepted but limited to one player and both players must make the same request, otherwise the request will not be honoured. Siblings will be on the same team if in the same age group. We divide players equally among the teams as best as we can. All minor hockey players are accepted, even from other associations.


Tentative dates and start time

May 12 or 16 – depending on division
May 24 and 25 - start time as early at 5 pm
May 31 and June 1 - start time as early as 9 am
June 7 and 8 - start time as early as 9 am
June 14 - start time as early as 9 am
June 21 and 22 - start time as early as 9 am

The following divisions are offered

Timbit – 2019-2020 birth years - registration $175
Tyke – 2017-2018 birth years - registration $200 (2018 age players must have played with Tyke age players during the Winter season. Otherwise, please register in Timbit)
Division 1 – 2015-2016 - registration $240  
Division 2 – 2013-2014 - registration $240
Division 3 – 2010–2012 - registration $240


Timbit Division                                                                  
• Maximum 10 skaters per team, no goalie
• 10 games
• Half ice format allowing more puck time, enhances competition
• One 45-minute run-time period, 90 second shifts
• 2-minute warm-up
• Face-off to begin the game only
• Coach on ice
• Team jersey
• Price $175

• There are NO Goalies used in Timbit
Tyke Division
• Maximum 10 skaters per team, 1 goalie per team
• 10 games
• Half ice format allowing more puck time, enhances competition
• 2 x 22.5-minute run-time periods, 90-second shifts
• 2-minute warm-up
• Face-off to begin the game only
• 1 referee on each 1/2 game
• Coach on ice if required
• Team jersey
• Price $200
• Goalies $100 
• BMHA can supply goalie equipment for Tyke Division goalies

Divisions 1, 2 and 3
• Maximum 12 skaters and 1 goalie per team
• 10 games
• 2-minute warm-up
• 2 x 22.5-minute run time periods.
• Face-off to begin the game only
• Buzzer every 90 seconds to change players
• 2 referee system
• No body checking
• Team jersey
• Price $240 
• Goalies $100 


Hockey Canada registration link - click here


For more information, please contact Kevin Murray in the BMHA office by phone 519-759-8552 or email: [email protected]
